Join Our Team!

Passionate  •   Fun   •   Dedicated
We’re always looking for

PASSIONATE, FUN, and DEDICATED people to join our team.

As education matchmakers, our team members have a wide variety of backgrounds with a wide range of different experiences. 

We are always looking for the right match for our students who also have different backgrounds, interests, and needs.

Experience as a people helper such as classroom teaching, academic advising or academic coaching, social work, or counseling may just be that perfect fit for one of our open positions!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Are You Ready to
Make a Difference?

We're Waiting to Hear from You

Stepping Stones to Learning, LLC has been an integral part of the San Gabriel Valley community for over 50 years. Our tutors, academic life coaches, and educational therapists are strategic academic mentors who not only focus on helping a student master school now, but on providing the skills and tools necessary for them to be able to navigate school and life independently in the future.

Each student receives 100% of a specially-matched tutor, coach, or therapist’s attention, which helps us determine individual learning strengths and needs. At Stepping Stones, the goal of each educator is to build confidence, instill a love of learning, and teach students to become independent learners. Thoroughly getting to know each student and determining why learning gaps are occurring allows us the ability to be flexible with how we are supporting each learner and adjust to the changing needs of our students. Our subject tutors are skilled at helping students understand material while our educational therapists and coaches are skilled at teaching students the skills and tools they need for their unique learning profiles. Having our team working side by side offers a distinctly unique opportunity to collaborate and help students succeed in all areas of school life. Ensuring that students have the tools necessary to be successful throughout their academic career is our aspiration. 


Anna K. Hasbun

Owner/Director and Academic Life Coach

Anna is the Owner and Director of Stepping Stones to Learning and an Academic Life Coach who helps struggling students and their families problem-solve, identify skills that need to be developed to be more successful, and develop a plan to help them build those skills. She also oversees outreach, special programs, and general operations at Stepping Stones, overseeing educational therapists, subject tutors, and academic life coaches working with students.

She also works directly with local independent schools to develop individualized education plans for their students and runs workshops for students at local public and private schools on how to build executive functioning skills.

Prior to Stepping Stones, Anna served as a Regional Director at Autism Speaks, a national non-profit organization raising funds for research, programs, and awareness for children with autism. The intimate time Anna has spent with families struggling with autism has provided a strong understanding of the endless potential of every child.

She shares a deep passion for our children’s education and an excitement about the unique capabilities Stepping Stones has to unlock the possibilities inside of every student. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in marketing from California State University, Northridge, as well as certificates in Academic Life Coaching, Dr. Ross Green’s Collaborative, Proactive Problem Solving Approach, Mindfulness-Based Strategies for Stress Reduction for Teens, Managing Teen Anxiety, and Learning to Learn.

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Stepping Stones to Learning, LLC

Stepping Stones to Learning, LLC


Stepping Stones provides one-to-one education and academic enrichment tailored to meet each student's needs.

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Dartmouth becomes first Ivy to require testing for admissions post Covid. We’re  definitely predicting more to follow. 

#standardizedtesting #sat #act #timefortestprep #collegeboard
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For SAT and ACT test prep, there is just no better team! Friday fun with this amazing crew!
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