Stepping Stones provides private tutoring in virtually all academic subject areas, including all levels of math, science, reading, history, English, foreign languages such as Spanish, French, and Latin; biology, physics, chemistry, social studies, economics, statistics, and more. Many students also use Stepping Stones private tutoring for special courses in writing skills, critical thinking skills, study skills, and more.
Stepping Stones online and in-person tutors are experienced in working with students with learning differences including ADHD and autism. Our directors will work with each family to determine the best private tutor fit and create an education plan that meets the individual needs of each student.
Each student meets one-on-one with a Stepping Stones teacher for individually tailored sessions, specifically designed to meet his/her particular needs. Regular appointments can be scheduled one or more times each week, depending on the individual learning profile and requirements of each client.
If the weather continues to cooperate our La Cañada center will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15th.
Today we be serving our families at the San Marino center.
We understand that tutoring is not a priority for our families at this time, but Stepping Stones would like to offer a place where our students can experience some normalcy in a safe space with their trusted tutors.